So,"Hi" after a looooong time, people. I'm writing a post almost after a semester. For those of you who are thinking "What took him so long anyways?", I would like to say, sorry to keep you waiting guys, I was caught up in the routine stuff of getting
"elec"trocuted, and had one of the hectic semesters. So, didn't feel like writing when we had those Analog Circuits labs consuming my weekends (Ah..How much I missed them, my weekends, mind you).
Blogging is like a long term relationship. It initially gives pleasure, makes you feel high, and you are always thinking of new things that will spice it up even more. But then you gradually tend to feel in your hearts of heart that it is becoming time consuming, you are running out of stuff that will keep it alive, and hey, after all it is just blogging not some long term relationship.
So in this first post, after a long break, I would summarise this semester. Hectic as it was, was painful as well. Analog circuits lab as I mentioned above was like 8 in terms of painfulness on the scale of 10 (10 being DDP under u-know-who in VLSI, man has got a "peace"ful name though :)). Another was EMEC lab. It was like a cake walk through out the semester, but common you need to know that pain can either be distributed or impulsive. After taking the final exams and viva, I posed myself a great mindboggling question "What should be the maximum weightage for final exam so that I do not get a cup?". I think there needs to be a reshuffling of the labs. They need to be in the same semester as the theory courses mainly for the two reasons that are off the top of my head. One being you take up all the pain in one semester rather than a uniformly distributed pain. Helps you in not becoming numb of constant torture. Secondly, OK...I agree we are supposed to remember the stuff we learnt last semester, but common, it was LAAAST semester! Anyways, next thing was Internship. Slightly painful, mostly because of the stupid recession. But ended up modestly. One weird course was EM Fields. HSR took the course, held it up to his reputation by giving a few SCILAB assignments intially, (then he also gave up in those I guess) and while maintaining a constant feel of "What the hell is this lecture all about ?". Exams were no different, as I had an almost same feeling of "What the hell is this question all about ?". Analog Communications was an interesting course mostly because of the Prof. BR. His classes were entertaining. 25 minutes of fart, 15 minutes of bulb and 10 minutes of good old chalk and board. But that prof is one of them because of whom elec. dept here is known (in all good sense :) ). Rest courses VLSI Design, PSP, AD Filters, OR were more or less same usual story. Analog and Digital Filters was funny in the first half :) (Why? - "Why don't you figure it out and tell me?"). VLSI design was good but a shocker for the prof herself. PSP was a nice course to tell me that I don't want to go anywhere near power lines.
That pretty much sums up everything about the academia of the semester. The non academic life was not as much as flamboyant as the academic one. After the semester I resumed a peaceful but dull life of mine. Went to the Tirupati temple, after a 3 year old nagging from Chandy. By the end of June I would be home for my sister's wedding.
So..finally fourth yearites we our! Seriously, feels like yesterday. Anyways, hoping to write more frequently. C Ya!